Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Play in the Sand!!

I believe for children, the beach is the ultimate artistic and creative playground.  Just think of all of the wonderfully imaginative masterpieces they can create!  Sandcastles, drip castles, mudpies, tunnels, caves, sea turtles, mermaids, King Neptune, and dragon's lairs are just a few.  Yesterday, my little beach bum created his own living room out of sand.  He had a sand chair, footrest, and a bed.  He even fashioned a really cool sand trap and convinced his little brother to fall into it!
I think beach bucket life is closer to real life than any other experience.  If we could only be like children playing in the sand:  make new friends, share your toys, be creative, have fun; but be careful of sharks, jellyfish, and big waves that can hurt you. 
Walking on the beach provides excellent exercise as we carry heavy objects and struggle to find balance in the sand.  The healing saltwater of the sea is the perfect cure for boo-boos, and the sand itself is natures own exfoliating scrub for dead skin and natural pedicures!
All of these experiences are perfect metaphors for life.  I like to call them "drops in the bucket" - little pieces of wisdom that we can learn from the sand and the sea.  So get your toes in the water and play in the sand - cause that's what life is all about!!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Coppertone Babies

My littlest beach bum and I on the beach yesterday

Ok, I have to admit that I am a newbie when it comes to blogging (like it wasn't blatantly obvious!!).  So, I just learned how to upload photos to my blog.  Here are a few from our play day on the beach with friends yesterday.  As I sat soaking up the sun and sharing some icy-cold "Mommy drinks" with my girl friends and their kiddos, I couldn't help but be amazed at how easily children make friends.  Every time we go to the beach, my boys end up finding all the other children withing a 3-mile radius and they all end up building sandcastles together and jumping in the waves, running around having the time of their lives!  Its so innocent and sweet and makes me wish that adults got along that easily. At the end of the day, I ask my boys, what were your new friends' names?  They never know...they don't think it's important enough to ask.  What matters most is that they found each other and communicated in a language only children seem to understand - PLAY, FUN, WOOHOO!!  We as adults need to embrace that language once again. 
That's what life should be all about!

Coppertone Babies

Sunday, June 19, 2011

It's a smile, it's a kiss, it's a sip of wine, it's SUMMERTIME!!

Happy Summer Everyone!  Also, Happy Father's Day to all of the fantastic dads out there!  My little beach bums are spending the day picking crabs with their Daddy  - and it's a gorgeous day here in Virginia Beach.  Mommy is happily spending a lazy day in the sun with my latest Janet Evanovich book starring "Stephanie Plum, female bounty-hunter".  Blue skies, lots of sunshine, toes in the sand, and a drink in my hand are on the agenda for the next two and a half months.  School's out and its time for some fun and relaxation.  Cheers to you and yours for a FABULOUS SUMMER!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Tornado Alley on the East Coast

Yesterday brought more terrible storms to the southern East Coast (Virginia & North Carolina).  I learned the term "rain-wrapped tornado" and watched in horror as trash cans and trampolines (!!) were thrown across the streets in front of my car.  I felt as if my little SUV was literally being lifted off of the ground.  Many schools were closed today due to power outages and there were severe injuries all over town.  Luckily, my little beach bums and I have been safe at home in our bungalow, with our window A/C units pumping their hearts out.  The storms brought a muggy 93 degrees today, making us long for our summer vacation and dream of lazy days by the sea. 

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Women and Wine

Aaahhh wine - it's a beautiful thing!  Last night I spent the evening sampling wines at a local beach restaurant called "Firebrew" with a great girl friend.  We talked, laughed, and reminisced over a few glasses and later a bottle of  "Hey Mambo!  Sultry Red" wine.  Today, I met another dear friend at our favorite place, Back Bay Gourmet, and enjoyed a wine flight of 3 different Virginia wines along with a delicious turkey, brie, and cranberry on toasted baguette.  What a lovely afternoon!  I even bought the perfect apron from the gift shop that says "Eat, Drink, and ReMarry"!   And what are my little beach bums doing while Mommy was out having a good time?  They're at a sleepover with some other little surfer dudes.  I'm missing them, but cherishing the time to reflect and enjoy time with the girls!  We all need it!!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Stormy Beach Day

It was a bit scary for awhile this afternoon as we sit right in the path of the latest tornado.  All afterschool activities were cancelled here in Virginia Beach.  Sandbridge Beach flooded by noon today and it hadn't even started raining yet!  Thank God we are all safe and sound now.  I've checked on family and friends and we are very fortunate.  My heart goes out to those in Alabama from the terrible mess they had to endure yesterday.  Our thoughts and prayers are with you. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Lighthouses and Hermit Crabs

So, every little beach bum needs a pet, and what better pet than a Hermit Crab?!  Today we welcomed "Hermie", the oh-so-uniquely-named hermit crab, to our family.  So far he has done.....well, not a whole lot.  Ok, well he did crawl around and fall off of the table while we were cleaning and setting up his cage.  Then later he climbed up on his little sponge, which was the highlight of our afternoon.  I can hardly wait to see what tomorrow brings!!  But seriously, the sweet part of the whole thing is how my oldest son is taking such good care of his pet.  He's been checking on him periodically, reporting back to us how he's doing, making sure he has enough food and water.  He's also very concerned that "he's bored Mom...I think he needs a friend".  Looks like we're off to the overpriced tourist-y shop once again tomorrow to get a pick out a friend for "Hermie". 
We visited and climbed the Currituck Lighthouse in Corolla this morning - 214 steps, 162 feet tall.  It was quite an adventure.  All of us made it safely up and down the winding staircase, even though the 5-year-old kept worrying that he would get "tower sick" from climbing such a tall tower.  The view from the top was absolutely breathtaking - a panoramic of Corolla and the Outer Banks beyond.  I managed to skirt out of the souvenier shop with only $20.00 in MUCH-needed purchases, so I'd definitely call the day a success!

Corolla Light

my little beach bums at the top

view down the loooooong winding stairwell